Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
Who is eligible for WIC?
You may qualify if:
You live in Wisconsin.
You are pregnant, breastfeeding or a new mother.
You have an infant or children under the age of five.
You or your children have a health or nutrition need
You have a household income (before taxes) that is less than or equal to WIC income guidelines. Go to the Wisconsin WIC web site for current income eligibility information.
You could be income eligible for WIC if you currently receive kinship Care, W2, Food Stamps, or Medicaid including Healthy Start. You may be income eligible for WIC even if food stamp benefits have been cancelled.
Well Badger Resource Center
The Well Badger Resource Center is a health information and referral program operated by the Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation (WWHF) in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Well Badger aims to:
Increase utilization of existing health programs and services in Wisconsin by matching individuals with accessible, affordable, and appropriate services and supports
Improve health literacy by helping individuals understand health information, learn how to obtain services, and how to advocate for themselves and their families
Advance health equity by addressing the root causes of health issues, ensuring basic needs are met, and working to reduce barriers to care
Wisconsin's Health, Nutrition, and Other Programs
Do you need help getting health insurance? Are you unsure how you will pay for your groceries this month? Do you need help paying for child care costs while you go to school, work, or a work training program? Do you need help finding a job or building your skills to take that next step in your career? This guide below tells you how to apply for Wisconsin’s health, nutrition, and other benefits and programs. Anyone who applies and is found eligible will get benefits or be enrolled in a program.